Allelon … A Poem


Our Pastor, my friend, has been speaking on a series he calls Allelon.  Allelon, is a Greek word for One Another…or something like that.  Relationships, community, people.

This has been a very encouraging series and it got me to thinking about the struggles we’ve had with one another’s in our past. My journey of trusting people is what this blog has been about for the last four years.

So, I wrote this poem.

I hope you find it encouraging.

Allelon: Walking with One Another

All this talk of One Another’s involves risk.
They say risk is spelled R-I-S-K, which we associate with FAITH.
I suppose all this One Another talk also requires faith.
However, faith in people has often caused us pain.
Simply because pain comes so easily.
How many of us have been hurt by those in the church?
So many of us have walked away from the face of God that shows up in Community.
Risk = Faith
But not necessarily faith in people, but faith in the One Who Loves Us Most.
Faith that if we do get hurt in this risky business of Community,
We partner with the knowledge of the true nature of God.
That He can,
That He will,
And that He longs to heal us of any brokenness we encounter,
As we learn to walk with One Another in grace and in Love,
Let this be our prayer.
Father God, I agree to walk with You
And the One Another’s You have brought across my path.
May I not cause pain.
And when I encounter pain,
May I offer grace, forgiveness and then
Give You my heart for more healing
And continue on
Seeking Your face
In Kingdom Community.

About delanab2012

I am joyful, creative, and fun. I am also serious, pensive and contemplative. I'm what you call one of those outgoing introverts. I have a genuine extroverty side but also need my introverty alone time to regroup. What's that new term? Oh yeah, ambiverts. That's a good description of me I love deeply. My best friend, is my husband David, whom I love with every fiber of my being. Friendships are very important to me. Each friend is a multifaceted treasure. I love the Kingdom of God and my Jesus, therefore, life is full of hope, joy and promise!

2 responses »

  1. This is wonderful Delana! We have a choice to remain vulnerable and risk being hurt. I know that and have always chosen to be soft enough to be hurt rather than hard enough to be safe. Thanks for the reminder.


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